• Usurp – seize and take control without authority
  • Harbinger – something indicating the approach of something or someone
  • Auspicious – auguring favorable circumstances and good luck
  • Censure – harsh criticism or disapproval
  • Beguile – influence by slyness
  • Canonize – declaring a dead person to be a saint
  • Sovereignty – supreme power or authority
  • Antic – a playful trick or prank
  • Pernicious – working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way 
  • Turbulent – characterized by unrest or disorder
  • Affront – treat, mention, or speak to rudely
  • Pious – having, showing or expressing reverence for a goddess
  • Insolence – an offensive disrespectful insolent act
  • Awry – away from the correct or expected course
  • Melancholy – a constitutional tendency to be gloomy and depressed
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